
Python actuator simulators intended for the simulations in Commandable SAL Components (CSCs).

Using lsst.ts.simactuators

The primary classes are:

  • PointToPointActuator simulates a simple actuator that moves to a give position at a constant speed, then stops. Examples include hexapod struts and telescope dome shutters.

  • CircularPointToPointActuator a point to point actuator that moves in a circle with no limits. Examples include some telescope dome azimuth actuators.

  • TrackingActuator simulates an actuator that slews to and tracks a path defined by a series of position, velocity, time triplets. Examples include telescope azimuth, altitude and rotator axes.

  • CircularTrackingActuator a tracking actuator that moves in a circle with no limits.


lsst.ts.simactuators is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module using labels=ts_simactuators.

Python API reference

lsst.ts.simactuators Package


BasePointToPointActuator(start_position, speed)

Base class for point to point actuators that move to a specified position at constant velocity and halt.

CircularPointToPointActuator(speed[, ...])

Simulated circular actuator that moves to a specified position at constant velocity and halts.

CircularTrackingActuator(max_velocity, ...)

A version of a TrackingActuator that moves in a circle with no limits.

CosineGenerator(center_positions, ...[, ...])

Direction(value[, names, module, qualname, ...])

Direction of motion.

PointToPointActuator(min_position, ...[, ...])

Simulated actuator that moves to a specified position at constant velocity and halts.

RampGenerator(start_positions, ...[, ...])

TrackingActuator(min_position, max_position, ...)

Simulate an actuator that slews to and tracks a path defined by regular calls to set_target.

Version History